Sun Centauri Vega Rigel Cassiopeia Deneb Castor Regulus Sirius Spica Aldebaran Arcturus Betelgeuse Capella Kepheus Canopus Mira Antares Achernar Atair Procyon Pollux Algol Fomalhaut Altar 26 27 28 29 Semiconductors Informatik Recycling Nuclear fusion Carbonfibre Ceramics technology Microelektronics Photovoltaic Genetic engeneering Particlephysics Spacestation-technology Supraconductors Microcomputer Selfgrowing structures High-Energy-Laser Spacedock-Technology Triravit Cyberspace Bio-Electronics Iondrive Duravit Artificial intelligence Bio-Computer Phaser Duranium Androids Space-Holografy Pulsedrive Matterdestruction Sol-Drive Beaming Disruptors Warp-Drive Selforganising systems Deepsleep-Technology Transwarp Protontorpedos Consciousnesstransformation Chaostheory Energystructures Worldformula energetic Intelligence 72 73 74 BIOSPHERE II FEDERATION OF PLANETS CANCERSALVAGE PANDORA-Project BIG-BANG-Project GENESIS-Project NEW-LIFEFORM-Project 82 83 84 Spacedock Seddlers Landingtroops Continental Union Global Union Recyclingplant Fusion powerplant Hydrolytic powerplant Particleaccelerator SDI Internet Virtual University Intelligent Factory Informationhighway von-Neumann-probe Spacephalanx Microids Weather-Station 103 104 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto 114 terran kleganian remalonic cardaccian feragian barojanic volkanic dconianic ja´Hadr 124 Terrans Klegans Remalons Cardaccians Feragians Barojans Volkans Ceborcs Dconians Ja´Hadr The Maques 136 137 138 139 Government Mainmenu Continue Search Starmap Year Money Population Years Industry start war against Biosphere Infrastructure Industries Millions Population Creativity Productivity Change Buy New Highscore! Please enter your name: , please enter your name: Clear biosphere repair Infrastructure build up industries System Planet Class Seddlement Size x size of earth Technology no development System Ships in orbit Ethnic group of the Build what things Costs for project: Account: Planets unknown Minority 183 184 Guns Lasercannons Phaserbanks Disruptorbanks Protontorpedo-Slots Weapons Offensive-Power Shields Fighting-Power State of the ship Movement-rate Seddlers on board Landingtroops on board Freightrooms used for Year of construction Ship is much too old!! 201 202 203 204 lose project to Next player: The loss of the homeworld of causes a splitting of the empire in a loyalen part and a illoyal, Part 213 214 The stop their civilwar and reunion their empire! The military command kapitulates and gives up the control over the empire. The rebels give up and can be reintegrated into the empire. 222 Scientist develop new technology: Needs: Possibilities: Capital project: Spaceship: Project: 229 take over technology and go to peace 233 234 Inhabitants Planets . not developed State of development: very low State of development: low State of development: good State of development: very good 243 244 Accept Reject The representative of the Terran Empire The Khalessor of the Kleganian Empire The Deqaresto of the Remalon Empire The Tyccaar of the Cardaccian Army The envoy of the Feragian Union The member of the Barojan Parliament The envoy of the Volkan Government The Dcadorn of the Dcon-Empire The Ja´Hadr - Maincommand The first commander of the rebels 257 258 259 condemnates the behave of the demands as a punishment and for the reestablish- ment of the State Quo the payment of a regrets the attack of bases of the Ja´Hadr and demands as a compensation and for the reestablishment of peace the payment of a yearly securitytax of to the Ja´Hadr. increased yearly securitytax. 269 declares the total war until the capitulation or the complete termination of the race. 274 points to the military superiority of its troops and demands as a condition for peace the payment of a securitytax of every year isn't willing to negotiate. 281 understands the rejection of his offer as a insult of his people and declares the war regrets the aggression and demands for the reestablishment 288 289 handing over of the profits of wich were lost for the Feragians, caused by the demands for the preserve of peace the unfair behave! of peace the unconditional handing over the the the of peace the handing over of informations about of peace the payment of reparations amount 301 302 303 304 breaks up all relations and declares the war against the ! offers the conclusion of a peace-contract. The demands of the were rejected. 312 313 314 condemnates the violation of his their area and demands as a compensation for this argression the unconditional handin over of the points to the military superiority of its troops and demands as a condition for a peace contract the handing over of the system 322 323 324 can't accept the illegal invading of his area without a punishment. He declares rejects the request for peacenegotiations and breaks up all relations to the civilisation. 331 - Temperatures - water: - desert-like planet - lifeforms possible - raw ore available - ca. 60% seddlement possible - not much water 339 - earth-type planet - very good situations fo lifeforms - raw ore available - ca. 80% seddlement possible - water, athmosphere, weather 345 - earth-like planet - good situations for lifeforms - raw ore available - ca. 95% seddlement possible - much water, athmosphere, weather 351 - saturn-class planet - no lifeforms possible - no raw ore - seddlement not possible - athmosphere, gasplanet 357 - sun-type gasplanet - lifeforms not possible - no raw ore - seddlement not possible - athmosphere with huge turbulences 363 - iceplanet - lifeforms possible - raw ore - ca. 60% seddlement possible - huge amounts of water, athmosphere, weather 369 - phantomplanet - no informations available 372 - early Entwicklungsstadium - lifeforms not possible - less raw ore - ca. 75% seddlement possible - athmosphere, weather, much earthquakes 378 - waterplanet - lifeforms possible - raw ore - ca. 60% seddlement possible - huge amounts of water, athmosphere, weather 384 The army of the revolts and splits the empire into two parts! The difficulty of the Game was increased! Have fun! 390 Disturbance into space-time-continuum! The abnormality was removed, all planets are free now. Crevice into space-time-continuum! The player was put into an other universe! 397 Your universum had contact to a parallel-universe for some time! 400 The solarsystem was put into an other time! 403 Störung into space-rime-continuum! All planets report a time postponement of 79,1 seconds! 407 Ship Shiptype Seddlers Land-un. Fight. State More Inhabitants 412 New imperatorstate Points 415 demands were rejected. conditions were accepted. 420 are you ready, Peacenegotations Peace without conditions Peace for a solarsystem Peace for a technology Peace for money Solarsystem for peace Technology for peace Tribute for peace Offer a common campaign Doing foreign aid Hand over ship 433 434 to accept peace without any condition? to give up system ? to give away money to pay? against to start war against ? 443 444 No more civilisations known. You get money amount 449 You hand over informations about You pay financial assistance amount You don't have anything this civilization could need! 455 Seddlers Landingunits Water Freight (Un-) Load Orbit Occupy Negotiate Attack 465 Carried amount: Spaceship gets into wormhole! The end of the hole was found into system Maques plunder planet and robber 472 Stars Destroy Take off Position Irrigate Stargate Wait 480 Stargate is too far away from sun! Distance has to be smaller than 10! 484 Stargate always installed! Fleets can't irrigate! Put single ships out of the fleet before! There is freight onboard! Please unload it before! 491 bad easy simple medium normal better good hard very hard real 502 503 504 Computer Human off on 509 fast normal 512 GAMEOPTIONS Fightscenes Planet-Attack Wormhole-Flight Ship-Movement 518 519 please choose a civilisation! Start with how much planets? 522 523 524 empty Not enough memory available! Can't load this game! 528 Load Save Delete Options Highscore QUIT 535 Load game Save game DELETE game 539 Terran Kleganian Remalonic Cardaccian Feragian Barojanic Volkanic Ceborc- Dconianic ships reach Ja´Hadr- Maques- 551 fleet reaches ship reaches 554 Heavy ethnic conflicts broken out! Independence declared Defection to the federation declared 558 Energyemergency caused by lack of energy Great plague caused by contaminated areas Heavy thunderstorms destroy cities Civil war broken out Wars between different nations Epidemic plague caused by unknown virus Climatic desaster caused by comets Heavy ethnic conflicts broken out Independence declared Defection to the federation declared 569 Citicens demand continue Dramatic decrease of inhabitants! Clear the biosphere! 574 Solar orbit collapsed, Stargate destroyed 577 becomes a planet of class build as first! 581 Project builds Biosphere cleared Infrastructures repaired Industry repaired Space Orbit 589 Scientifics demand development of the GENESIS-Project What has to be developed next? "Pay your Shareware!" 596 offer alliance against . 599 Civilization of the is disappeared. The Ja´Hadr demand the stopping of all hostilities abainst the and the payment of reparations amount 606 Not enough money availiable! Please increase taxes! Total bankrupcy imminents! Please increase taxes immediately! 611 612 613 614 are in debt! can't support ! 618 619 The extremely agressive leading of the imperator causes serious ill-humour at the population. Heavy revolts are reported from nearly all provinces and colonies! 625 The more and more faschistic methods of the imperator cause civil wars in all colonies of the empire! 630 leave their player because it seems he isn't able to continue his job as imperator of this civilisation successful! 634 Fleet Next page Planets own others Ships Position Irrigate 643 644 Standardorbit Happenings went to peace with started war against . are allied with now 652 653 654 split into two parts and go to a civilwar! stop their civilwar went over to the Federation ships gone out of work 1 ship is gone out of work 661 find unknown probe Done! Start a new game Load a saved game 666 Military education IntensivCoaching ExtremCoaching Brainwashing Psychodrugs genetic manipulation bioelectronic brainimplantats Imperatorstate Fightpower: Costs-increasing: 677 Spread of finances Into account Income for projects For secret service 682 Security-tax to Ja´Hadr 685 State Inhabitants Army Money Evaluation 691 Alliance War Peace 695 PROTECT. no informations available Incomplete projects: 699 Scientific: Productivity: Biospheres: Infrastructures: Industries: Inhabitants/Planet (Mio): Size of planets: Ethnic problems: Technological state: 709 Satisfaction: Publich opinion: extremely dangerous very dangerous dangerous very bad bad average not good good very good first class 722 stone-age bronze-age iron-age feudalistic precapitalistic preindustrial average good very good first class 733 734 Military costs Development-time Technologies 738 739 Shiptype Freightroom Movement Shields Weapons 745 Army Finances Dossier Projects Statistic Scientific TOO EASY!! 753 You used a non-official function! Therefore you will get some Ceborcs! Have fun!! 757 Anno the history of all civilisations ends. Some of them have been able to build high-tech Space- ships, but they didn`t ever really understand the technologies, they used. That is the only reason, why the explosion of one single spaceship causes such a huge desaster. The whole known space went into a anomal spacetime and nobody was able to stop this disturbance. So all these stars will be frozen for all times into this anomal spacetime. 770 the civilisation ends. They weren`t able to survive the fight of life. Because they weren`t strong enough to defense their areas, all planets where occupied. The history of this civilisation ends with the last ship, wich was destroyed by a much stronger enemy. . . . 781 realized the largest project of their whole history: they changed into a new bodyless and perfect lifeform. But they forgot to build a very important capital project: The BIG-BANG-Project! And only some billion of years later the universe began to shrink and a new big bang destroys every kind of life! . . 792 Anno the win the last war, against the last other civilizations they hadn't occupied until now. They have destroyed every other civilization into this part of the universe. Now they can go into a new future, built with the blood of millions of people. Next generations will have to pay for that: The occupied and suppressed civilizations will stand up and fight for freedom and for their rights, they will destroy these dark, bloody empire! 805 realized the largest project of their whole history: they changed into a new bodyless and perfect lifeform. They were able to do that before all other civilizations. With this project they opened the door to a completely new life without illness and dead, independent from space and time! . 815 realized the largest project of their whole history: they changed into a new bodyless and perfect lifeform. The Terrans weren't be able to do that before them. Their economic and scientific level wasn't high enough for such a project. . . 824 Highscore-Imperatorstate reached points: Levelbonus: Gametime: Overall points: 830 Couldn't close Workbench-Screen! Mouse to continue... 833 Your civilisation reaches the aim: They all changed into a better lifeform. 837 838 839 840